Thursday, November 3, 2011

Flying High Assembly - November 3, 2011

We saw a gymnast doing bungee jumps and his partner doing martial arts with weapons to show us how to use them correctly.  He picked three ladies and called them "Sparks Angels." They talked about the ABCs - A is for attitude, B is for behavior, and C is for commitment.  The martial arts man picked three girls and three boys for a friendly competition about who can do the best nunchuck tricks.  The boys won!  It was funny to see the martial arts person teach the gymnast how to use the nunchucks.  The gymnast hit his head with them!  At least they weren't real nunchucks.  The gymnast did back flips, front flips, and tricks.  At the end they had the Sparks Angels pose with the weapons. We had a blast watching them! We can't wait for them to come back next year!

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