Thursday, March 7, 2013

Open House

Open House is finally here! During Open House, let your child be the guide.  It’s their turn to lead you through our year of wonderful work.  Open House is from 5:30-7:00 PM tonight.  Please stop by and see our fabulous work!
Postcards written in the point of view of a folktale character to another folktale character.

These are our fabulous fables and tall tale stories!

We read The Chocolate Touch and discussed whether we thought the chocolate touch was a positive or negative experience.  We graphed our responses.

We have created posters of all the topics we have learned in math this year.  We certainly have learned a lot!

There are many different landforms.  We created maps of a fantasy land that have many of these landforms!

Our desks are ready for Open House!

Our paper bag pupper book reports look great!

We made posters of what we have learned in science.  We are amazing scientists!


There's no bones about it, we have the best class!  The third graders performed a fabulous musical! I wanted to share pictures!