Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Making Inferences

Making an inference is one of the most difficult reading skill and often is the most used test question in a reading passage.  When you put together background information (what you already know) and text evidence (what you read), you make an understanding of what the story is about. 
For example:
Grandma's mouth dropped open.  Her hands flew to her face. 

Well, the background information is I've seen people drop their jaw and cover their face with their hands when they are surprised.  I read that Grandma did this so my inference is that she is surprised about something.

Another example:
I hear a loud "thwack" as the ball flies high in the air. The crowd roars with excitement and I run fast before the ball is brought back.

The background information is I've heard balls hit with a "thwack" and have seen the ball fly in the air at a baseball game.  At a baseball game there is a crowd that cheers for the players.  The players try to run as fast as they can to get to the base.  My inference is that this is a baseball game.

Here are some practice websites for inference:

 Please read the examples of riddles and events that the class wrote.  Can you make an inference about these riddles??

I have a poisonous tail to get my prey.  I have an exoskeleton.  You're scared of me because of my tail. It you're hit with my tail you better go to the hospital quick because my poison is rising.  I live in or near deserts.  What am I?

I am tiny.  I have tiny whiskers.  I look like a mouse, but I'm not a mouse.  What am I?

I am tasty. You get my in movies.  I am not popcorn or candy, but I'm fizzy.  What am I?

I bark, I jump, I run, and tear up pillows and go to the bathroom on the chair.  You say "bad, bad, bad, bad"  I am brown and my name is CoCo and I have a collar and have a tail.  What am I?

I can be here, I can be there.  I can mostly be everywhere.  I can be in, I can be out.  I am a very colorful sight.  I am part of nature.  What am I?

I can be any color.  I can be turned into many things like a heart.  I'm thin.  I can be almost anywhere.  I'm made of something tall and think.  What am I?

I hop and skip.  It mades a loud click.  It is fun singing songs using it.  It is fun to do it with a friend.  What am I doing?

I am a mix of 3 animals.  I have a duck head and a body as an otter and a tail as a beaver.  I am a mammal and lay eggs and I look nonvenomous, but I am and I'm mostly brown.  What am I?

I have lots of tomato sauce.  I also have some drizzled cheese on me.  Many people like different toppings and others just like pepperoni.  What am I? 

"I can't wait to go," said Abby.  It will be so fun!! We will roast marshmallows and sleep in a tent.  There will be mountains so we can go hiking.  What are the people going?

I sit on your lap while you watch TV. I have a long floppy tail, and long floppy ears.  I am usually very small.  I am also cute and like to lick your face.  I am very good so I get treats such as biscuits.  I like playing outside.  What am I?

I am very pokey, but I am very small.  I am in the book Poppy and I love salt.  Who am I?

I'm rare. I'm valuable.  You don't see me on the ground.  You will run out of me. I'm in different parts of the world and I'm a shiny yellow color.  What am I?

I roar and growl.  I'm the king of the jungle.  I have a mane.  What am I?

I'm a ball. I'm dribble on a field.  I get kicked in a goal.  I'm black and white.  What am I?

Boom!  Boom! They are coming.  Toro, toro, toro! Time to attack.  Toro, toro, toro!  I am a surprise attack and I am a type of war.  What am I?

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