We have been studying ways to multiply 2-digit x 1-digit numbers. Multiplication is putting equal groups together to create a product, or answer to a multiplication problem. Below are several ways to solve 73x8. Students need to find the way to works for them and they feel comfortable using.
Please continue to practice these types of problems at home!
This is using base tens blocks to draw a picture to solve the problem. The tens are grouped together to make five one hundreds. Then there are 6 tens left over to make 60. After that the ones are put together to make 24. Finally, the hundreds, tens, and ones are added up together to make 584. |
This method is called partial products. The larger number is made into tens and ones. Then the 70 and the 3 are both multiplied by 8. Those answers are then added together to get the final product of 584. |
This method is a picture form of the partial products. The 73 is again broken apart into 70 and 3 at the top of the boxes. Then the 8 is written on the left side box. Both 70 and 3 are multiplied by 8. The answers are then added together to get 584. |
We've also talked about multiplication is repeated addition. Students then add up the numbers to get the answer. Here the student groups the 3s together and found that four 3s equals 12. Since there are eight 3s then it is 12+12 to equal a total of 24. The 2 is then carried over to be in the tens place to add the tens together to equal a total of 584. |
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